We are so grateful for your support of the ministries here at Prairie Lutheran Church! Each gift given helps us to equip everyone with an active and confident faith, and we are only able to do that through the generosity of people like you. All gifts, large or small, make a difference, and will be put to good use for God’s work in the world!

Giving of our time, our abilities, and our financial resources is one of the 5 Holy Habits here at PLC. Giving generously helps us to be in the right kind of relationship with our money and our things. When we give, we are reminded that everything belongs to God, and that God has been so generous with us, that we are able to be generous with others!

There are several ways you can give a gift to Prairie Lutheran Church:

On-Line Giving

The easiest, most reliable way to give is through Prairie-Giving, our on-line giving platform. If you’d like to enroll in Prairie-Giving, please contact our Finance manager at finance@plcchurch.org or 952-829-0525.

Pledged Giving 

Here is a link to our most recent commitment form, where you can let us know how much, and how often, you’d like to give to PLC. You can pledge to give in-person, through the mail, or on-line.

Giving of Your Talents and Gifts

In addition to financial resources, God gave you talents and gifts to be shared with others. Take a moment to fill out this Gift Inventory, so we know what you are interested in helping with here at PLC! 

One-Time Giving and Donations or Fees

You can make a one-time gift right here on our website. You can also make a donation to a specific event, or pay for a retreat, camp, or other registration fee using the same form. Simply fill out the information below, and be sure to write what the money is for in the “specify a specific ministry” box.
